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Show Bill “Kelly’s Pre Session Blog”

…and now for something completely different. That sums up Woodshed Archive’s season lineup so far, to be sure! The variety of musicians and music styles represented this season have enriched our archive immensely. This week will be no exception as Woodshed Artist in Residence, Chris Lawther, brings his project, Five Star, to the woodshed. You’ve seen Chris’s guitar, vocals, songwriting, and banjo chops in the bands Jackaroe, Tom Hall & the Plowboys, Don Merckle & the Blacksmiths, and Organic Jukebox (all Woodshed Archive “alumni”) and now we look forward to seeing him in Five Star, an acoustic mix of bluegrass instruments and Grateful Dead inspired jam tunes.
Patrick Chapman puts the session into perspective:
“Chris Lawther has been an active artist in residence since the formation of the archive. That means he has had an active Woodshedding project of some sort going for the last three years straight. He is a member of several bands but does all his personal projects under the ‘Organic Jukebox’ title. The band Organic Jukebox is his electric guitar based band and Five Star represents his personal banjo based projects. I admire his willing,ess to always stretch and grow, but to do it so publicly elevates him to another level to me.
The last time he assembled Five Star was a sort of tribute to Bill Wells, his Bluegrass mentor, about a year after Bill’s death. He was a member of Bill Wells & the Blue Ridge Mountain Grass for several years and a banjo instructor at Bill’s Pickin’ Parlor. He assembled a new version of Five Star late this summer with the goal of playing Old and In the Way tunes at JerryFest, and to see were it would go from there. They have had limited time to practice and this will be their second performance. These are my favorite types of performances to record, when they are new and fresh and anything can happen both good and bad. I know this show will be fun and creative and will give us a hint as to where his brain is going next.”
Five Star is:
Chris Lawther – banjo, vocals
Ron Rollins – guitar, vocals
Jamie Ford – mando, vocals
Jeff Graves – stand up bass
Jim Graddick – fiddle
We invite you to tune in online at for the broadcast, Thursday November 12, 2015 from 8-10pm, for Chris Lawther and Five Star! Contribute to the online discussion during the show via Twitter, using #wsalive.
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