Whiskey Tango Revue [wtr2013-02-09]

wtr2013-02-09Whiskey Tango Revue [wtr2013-02-09]


Whiskey Tango Revue was the first set of the day. The parade had run long so I was a bit late getting back. The guys were all setup and waiting on me and we had not even done a line check. So we just started and lived with the results. You can hear a bit of feedback that turned out to be the sm57 on the bass amp had been knocked into the bass cabinet that Chis’s stand up base was plugged into. The set is good, but stage volume is still a real issue with these live events as I don’t get near the separation on the channels and the front of house is much less detailed. Overall not bad for the first session of the day! Really enjoyed these guys and can’t wait to work with them again.

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